Government of Meghalaya

Components of CLLMP

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This component focuses on continuous development, assimilation, analysis and dissemination of knowledge and skills related to landscape management across the entire state. This component covers all villages across all 11 districts of the state. Key activities under this component include:

  • Training to Project staff at the State Project Management Unit (SPMU) and District Project Management Unit (DPMU)
  • Training and capacity building and project orientation for traditional institutions and headmen
  • Training and sensitization to government departments
  • Participatory documentation and exchange of traditional knowledge
  • Community consultations to identify priority for Knowledge Management
  • Development of Catalytic Fund for enhancing CLLMP principles
  • Development of Innovation Fund to identify, document and support national and state innovators
  • Development of a Centre of Excellence for NRM and Traditional Knowledge
  • Development of Monitoring and Evaluation systems



This component focuses on the preparation and implementation of Community Natural Resource Management Plans (CNRMP) in 400 of the most critical landscape in the state. Key activities under this component include:

  • Site verification and ground truthing to confirm the status of degradation
  • Awareness programmes about the project
  • Formation of Village Natural Resource Management Councils (VNRMCs) and Executive Committees to implement the project at the village level. Each VNRMC comprises 1 adult male and 1 adult female of each household of the village.
  • Identification and selection of village facilitators by the Executive Committee to support itin implementing the project at the village; These are provided training by the project
  • Signing a Citizens Green Charter which lays down the principles by which the project should be implemented that the communities should abide by. The charter is to ensure ownership by the community and that the project is implemented responsibly and in an inclusive and participatory manner.
  • Submission of Expression of Interest for being included in the project, by the VNRMC of interested villages.
  • Signing of Village Grant Agreement between the project and the VNRMC to enable flow of funds from the project to the village
  • Participatory rural appraisal (PRA) and preparation of Village Resource Map and GIS maps to aid in the planning of Community Natural Resource Management Plans (CNRMP); Technical expertise provided by the project
  • Implementation of CNRMP
  • Monitoring and evaluation


Though this component the project will establish a governance and management structure for the project at State, District, Block and village level. The implementation arrangements will also cover the details regarding financial management, disbursement and procurement.

State Level
The overall management and coordination will be the responsibility of the Meghalaya Basin Management Agency (MBMA), an existing Section 8 Company under Companies Act, 2013 floated by Government of Meghalaya to undertake EAPs. The CLLM-project will be controlled and supervised by the Board of Directors of MBMA. The Board of Directors comprises of the Chief Secretary of GoM (Chairman), CEO – MBMA, Retd IAS, Dy CEO – MBMA, Principal Secretary Finance.

State Project Management Unit (SPMU)
Meghalaya Basin Management Agency (MBMA) is the nodal agency for management and implementation of the project activities.

District Project Management Unit (DPMU)
The DPMU is headed by the Deputy Commissioner of the respective District with day-to-day administration being carried out by District Project Managers (DPMs) and support staff.

Block Project Management Unit (BPMU)
At the block level, the Enterprise Facilitation Centre (EFC) and government officers will support Village Natural Resource Management Committee (VNRMC) to plan and implement CNRM plans. The government officials will be from the Department of Soil and Water Conservation, Water Resource Department, Forest Department and C&RD Department etc. The Block Development Officer (BDO) is responsible for the project at the block.

Village level
Since the project is community-driven, village is considered the primary unit of planning and implementation of CLLM-Project. VNRMC will comprise of one male and one female member of each house hold. They will appoint an executive committee to undertake day-today operation and this executive committee members may be elected from Self Help Groups, Women Groups, Youth etc.. One person from the line department will be available from the Block to facilitate the activities. The number of members in Executive Committee will be 5-7 persons. The VNRMC will be overall responsible for preparation and implementation of plans and management of project fund, procurement and supervising, etc.


1 Strengthening Knowledge and Capacity for Natural Resource Management 304.82
1A Promotion of traditional knowledge, grass-root innovations, and communication 73.3
1B Training and capacity building 162.52
1C Preparation of strategies, research, and development 69
1D Monitoring, learning, and reporting  
2 Community-led Landscape Planning and Implementation 1,438.4
2A Preparation of community landscape plans 73.8
2B Implementation of community landscape plans and implementation support 1,348.1
2C Implementation Support to Community Landscape Planning and Implementation 16.5
3 Project Management and Governance 919.48
3A Human Resource 577.41
3B Administrative Expenses 342.07
TOTAL 2,662.7