Integrated Natural Resource Management Key Interventions
Training and capacity building is a major aspect of this component. This includes the engagement of VECs, appointment of Village Facilitators and Watershed Volunteers in specific domains such as social mobilization, book-keeping, catchment area management, project management and so forth, who are responsible for the implementation of INRM.
The objective of this intervention is to ensure access to domestic water and water for irrigation purposes.
Catchment area treatment and management
- For soil and water conservation
- For rejuvenating water surfaces
Water security interventions
- Installation of water-lifting devices such as hydrams, solar electrical water pumps
Prevention of Soil Erosion
- Staggered terraces in plantation areas
- Tube Well/Ring Well
- Storage Tank/Filter Tank/Water Reservior /Water Tank
- Weir/Loose Boulder Check Dam, Rcc CheckDam/Culvert
- Wells/Dug out ponds
- Spring Chamber/Spring Shed Development/Spring Collection Chamber
- Rain Water Harvesting
- Water for domestic/livestock/aquaculture etc
- Water Conservation
- Installation of Water Lifting Devices
- Treatment of Contaminate water source in coal mine areas using Open Lime Channel Technology (OLCT)
- Irrigation Canal
- Reservoir Tank
- Check Dam
The objective of this intervention is to facilitate communities to create or expand cultivable land particularly the valley bottom land with scope for irrigation facilities is being implemented in convergence with other government programmes and schemes.
Controlling Soil Erosion
- Through construction of protection walls, training of streams.
Reclamation of Degraded Land
- Promotion cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants
- Tree plantation drives
Other Activities
- Terracing the foot slopes of Jhum/Bun land with assured irrigation facility for permanent (wetland) cultivation.
- Construction of dugout wells/ ponds for drinking water supply and other uses.
- Rainfall/ Surface Runoff harvesting for multiple utility.
- Fencing/Retaining Wall/Gabion Wall /Erosion Protection Wall
- Reclamation of Degraded land using Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Plantation (MAP)
Under this activity, the project supports beneficiaries in establishing community nurseries for production of planting materials required for afforestation (protection and conservation)/ multi layered plantation/ agro-forestry. Afforestation and reforestation initiatives are also undertaken along with measures to conserve and protect bio-resources.
- Afforestation
- Nursery Development
- Soil and Water Conservation activities -Contour Trenches, Staggered Trenches, Soak Pits, Gully Plugs, Recharge Pits etc
Under this activity, the project supports agricultural extension services for enhancing soil fertility and productivity, agriculture production technologies, field demonstration on use of agricultural tools and farm machineries suitable for hills agriculture that would help in drudgery reduction as well as reduce the cost of production. The component also promotes household level agricultural and allied activities for leveraging into micro enterprises through the support of other components under Megha-LAMP.
Establishment of Custom Hiring Centres (CHC)
- Common facility targeted at specific value chain cluster of villages for addressing issues and challenges of small and marginal farmers to tide over shortage of labour, cost of cultivation, and to improve efficiency of agricultural operations
- Managed by an IVCS in a social enterprise mode and provides fee based custom hiring of agri tools and farm machineries at reasonable charges to the farmers
- Tools include power tillers, rotary tillers, post hole diggers, sprayers, etc.
Demonstration of Climate Resilient Agriculture by establishing model villages across all three Agro-climatic zones of the state. This would enable farmers to build resilience and security of their livelihoods by leveraging on the lessons gained through these project models.
The project is supporting a number of interventions that have synergy with the core components including introduction of Energy Efficient Smokeless stoves, solar lights, clean technology and others that can enhance project output and overall benefit to communities.
Energy Efficient stoves
- Cooking stoves to reduce firewood consumption, running cost and drudgery associated with fuelwood collection.
Energy Plantation
- Propagation of Energy Plantations using Alder Wood, a nitrogen fixing species that is a good source of fuelwood, through indigenous traditional methods.
Eco-friendly Technology
- Support with eco-friendly technologies such as solar lights, low energy brick making machines etc.
Demonstration of Climate Resilient Agriculture by establishing model villages across all three Agro-climatic zones of the state. This would enable farmers to build resilience and security of their livelihoods by leveraging on the lessons gained through these project models.
The project is supporting a number of interventions that have synergy with the core components including introduction of Energy Efficient Smokeless stoves, solar lights, clean technology and others that can enhance project output and overall benefit to communities.
Energy Efficient stoves
- Cooking stoves to reduce firewood consumption, running cost and drudgery associated with fuelwood collection.
Energy Plantation
- Propagation of Energy Plantations using Alder Wood, a nitrogen fixing species that is a good source of fuelwood, through indigenous traditional methods.
Eco-friendly Technology
- Support with eco-friendly technologies such as solar lights, low energy brick making machines etc.