Government of Meghalaya


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SI Component IFAD GoM Community Convergence Bank Total Project Cost
Component 1 Integrated Natural Resources Management 62.68 54.36 11.12 136.86 0.00 265.02
Component 2 Rural Finance 66.13 31.61     146.10 243.84
Component 3 Inclusive Supply Chain & Enterprise Development 54.64 37.63       92.27
a Integrated Production & Marketing (Pre MTR) 0.29 0.05       0.34
b Enterprise Development (Pre MTR) 3.85 0.68       4.53
c Livestock Development (Pre MTR) 0.56 0.10       0.66
Component 3.2 Access to Markets 69.35 55.64 4.33     129.31
Supporting Component 1 Knowledge Services 19.57 7.68       27.25
Supporting Component 2 District Project Management Units 12.15 16.19       38.34
Supporting Component 3 Project Management Unit, Shillong 9.08 10.99       20.06
Total   298.30 214.92 15.45 136.86 146.10 811.63
In USD Mn   43.90 31.76 2.21 19.55 20.87 118.29

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